Sunday, February 14, 2010

Information Overload Weekend!

The kick off to the 5th Be A Loser competition was yesterday at the Sierra Hotel out at Short Pump Town Center.  It was a day full of meeting great people who have accomplished much in their lives, getting more information than most know what to do with, interviews, and group exercise.  I don't think that I could ask to be part of a better program.  I am going to have to break down the information into a few blog posts, so I'll just focus this blog on the experience of yesterday.  I'm also going to try my hand at a photo blog here, so hopefully it will work and it won't end up looking crazy!

It was an early start to a Saturday, I was up and out of bed by 5:30 AM.  That's much later than I'll be getting up during the week from now on, but it was definitely early for a Saturday.  Thankfully I had been good and I didn't go out Friday night.  I did however stay up to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games.  So I was a bit tired.  I got things together and headed over to Short Pump on the slick 288 since we had gotten a dusting of snow the night before. 

I got there and found my team ready to go and had to undergo the measurements and the weigh-in.  It was interesteing to see the measurements on my legs.  Mills was the one doing my measurements, I know him from Swift Creek AmFam.  He was surprised to see me I think.  Anyway, as he was doing my legs I warned him that they were different in alignment and that my left quad would be smaller than my right.  He was shocked about how different the kneecap alignment with my hip was, and my left quad was indeed quite a bit smaller than my right.  That doesn't mean that my left leg is skinnier, it just means that my quadricep muscle in that leg is not as strong or developed as my right leg.  I don't have any significant atrophy in the leg, but I know that the strength isn't on par.  I'm hoping that as part of this competition that will change.

So then of course comes the dreaded weigh-in.  It wasn't as terrible as I expected it to be, since I was prepared for the number.  Just so the entire world knows, my number is 279 pounds.  I'm not afraid of that number, because I know that this is the last time I will ever, EVER see that number on a scale when I weigh myself.  Now I'm not a big fan of numbers, so I'm not going to say I want to lose a specific number of pounds during this competition.  Whenever I set numbers, I end up being disappointed.  So what I will say is that I want to be able to shop in a normal store, run a mile, and feel strength in my joints.

After the weigh-in we had to have our pictures taken.  UGH!  One thing I absolutely hate.  So we had our before pictures done, and then moved out to the lobby of the hotel to get together as teams and talk some things out before the seminar started.  In the meantime, Desi, the PT coordinator for the company, asked me to do an on camera interview and I obliged her.  The cameraman wasn't bad looking, so it was easy for me to talk to him and smile.  (I'm awaiting the comments from my girlfriends on that one.)  Apparently he thought I was well spoken because he asked me for my information to be able to follow me through the competition and interview me during the journey and the "after" phase of all of this.  So who knows, y'all may end up seeing me as part of an AmFam commercial or something.  LOL!  My mother's comment was "maybe you'll have your own TV show someday Elizabeth."  Can't say I would complain about that.

During the break I was able to give my team a little gift that I'd bought for each one of them.  I got them the DietMinder food journal.  Here is the link to purchase one if you would like to join me on this journey or just get a hold on what you eat from day to day.

It's a very cheap tool, only $10, that keeps you accountable every step of the way with what you're eating at any given time.  I'm starting my record today and I am hopint that the combination of this with our workouts will really lead me to the massive weight loss I seek.

After our break we got into the seminar.  There was so much information given that I am still trying to process it all.  There were great moments during the process that will stay with me and that give me something specific to strive towards as a goal.  The third place finisher from last year was the first to speak.  Stanley is his name and he's lost over 180 pounds at this point I believe.  He is now a group X instructor for American Family, and he was so full of life.  It was just wonderful. 

Desi got up and talked for a bit and asked everyone to sign up for the pound for pound challenge.  So those of you out there that have weight to lose, sign up as well and help feed hungry families in our local community.  You can go to to sign up!  Our trainers Greg and Andi enjoyed the information too!

Then some of the sponsors, namely Massage Envy and Richmond Photographics wished us luck and gave us some information on their services.  Cool think is that the winner will get a 6 month free membership to Massage Envy, and a free set of family portraits from Richmond Photographics.  If you guys have never been to a Massage Envy, I absolutely reccomend it.  The membership benefits are awesome!  If you live over on the Southside of Richmond, come check out my location at Commonwealth Center in front of the Commonwealth 20 movie theater.  Tell them that I sent you! 

At that point we got into the meat and potatoes of the seminar....mmmm steak.  (Just kidding!)  Commonwealth Sports Medicine had an orthopedic surgeon and their nutritionist there to speak to us.  Dr. Stadler was the first to speak.  She focused on anterior knee pain and shin splints.  Both things that obviously I have issues with seeing the history of my knees.  She talked about therapies and things that I haven't heard of, and to be honest I can't wait to learn more from her about them. During the short break we took, I kind of pulled her aside and let her know that I had undergone a Fulkerson in June.  She was sympathetic to the struggle that the operation presents, and she told me to email her.  She happened to be sitting in the row right in front of me, so I see a bit of fate there.  I will detail those treatments and such, if my insurance will cover them, as the competiton goes on as I know some of you out there have knee issues as well.

Then we got into the nutrition information.  All I can say is WOW.  I mean really, WOW.  I thought that my wealth of knowledge about the subject was vast, but this professional, who also happens to be named Liz, was so knowledgable and willing to share every bit of it with us!  I will never look at some foods the same way again, and I am done killing myself slowly by eating crap.  That's what it is people, it's crap.  In fact I'm getting ready to go hit the grocery store here in a few minutes to stock up on good stuff.  I will get into more and more of the nutrition stuff as we go along, because I know this post is already getting lengthy and I don't want to bore you all to death.

After Liz was done speaking, we had a couple of other former contestants get up and share their experiences with us.  One of them went from 400 pounds to about half her size.  Amazing.  All through simple exercise, changes in the way you eat (we are not going to call it a DIEt), and enthusiasm for a new way of life.  It CAN be done people.  Like they said, if you don't have it in your heart, your mind cannot follow.

Lastly we got a hold of our team color balloons and wrote the biggest obstacle to losing weight that still faced us on the balloon.  FYI, I wrote two.  My two obstacles are FEAR and DOUBT.  I fear failure.  I have all of my life.  It's a big reason why I haven't taken more risks, risks that would likely lead me to a better place in life.  However I was taught from a very young age that failure and disappointment are not an option, so I just got to the point where I just wouldn't try.  Well I cannot be afraid any longer, because it isn't getting me anywhere.  Then of course there is doubt.  I've been told for many years by some close to me that I wasn't doing good enough.  Nothing I ever did was good enough.  That leads to a vicious cycle of self-doubt.  Which then fuels the fear of failure.  (I honestly cannot believe I am writing this all out at this's taken me 31 years to be okay with saying these things and I'm still not 100% okay with it.)

Anyway, the point of the balloons was then we all walked a mile together, and at the end of the mile we released our balloons into the air, signifying letting go of that last obstacle and being ready to continue on this journey.  So here is our walk and release!

I think the store window behind Andi and Josh is fairly prophetic.  I had no idea that was there when I took the picture yesterday!

Countdown to letting go!

I think that we were all happy to let go!


Have a wonderful Valentine's Day every one.  I love you all!


  1. Fellow BAL team members, I will be putting the photos on Snapfish and I will email you all the link here shortly! :)

  2. Thanks, Liz! I really enjoyed reading your blog. The one thing about this is that we're all in this struggle together, and I think that's really important. FYI - I've been blogging, too. I'll send the link to everyone, but if you're interested in reading before then go to Seeya soon! Teri
