Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Difficulties of Convenience Shopping and Muse

Definitely in the top five concerts I've ever been too, and they were one of the top if not the BEST live rock show (talent wise) I've ever seen.  They can actually play, had an amazing stage show, and they sound better than they do on their albums.  That's not something you normally find with rock bands.  I've been to some shows where they sound horrendous, enough to make you want to walk away.  Not Muse.  The show was worth every penny of the travel to get there, and it was even worth not getting home until after 2 AM.  Of course that interfered with my planned workout for this morning, but I will make up for it the rest of the week.  I'm counting it as my mid-week break, so I won't be breaking like normal on Wednesday afternoon.  What I am finding out through this program is that you really can work fitness into your life no matter how busy you may think that you are.  Not going to the gym, not sticking with some sort of routine, can be chalked up to nothing but excuses.  Just making that realization and admitting it to myself is sort of an epiphany.  Either way, I was doing physical activity at the concert.  Having to walk like a quarter of a mile to get there, then all the way around the arena and up our steps to our seats, then bopping around and singing to the music, then back down the steps and another quarter mile back to the car and back up the steps in the parking deck....all in all, not a bad night really.  I mean at least I wasn't sitting in front of the TV shoving food in my face.  (A note, that not all of the photos are mine some are my friends, but they're all from the show last night at the Patriot Center.  AMAZING!)

I love Matt Bellamy for going full on rockstar with the leather pants and the shiny silver glitter shoes! <3

The third encore was the best!

Talking about food, I just want to say how difficult it is to buy ANYTHING healthy at a convenience store.  I mean it borders on ridiculous.  Here you stop to stretch your legs after being in the car, and you want to get a snack, so you walk into this sensory overload oasis on the side of the road and what do you find?  Nothing but JUNK.  We stopped at a Wawa somewhere in Spotsylvania County I believe, and while they made an attempt at some healthy foods such as a pita bread and hummus combo, or a "protein" pack that included a mini wheat bagel, peanut butter cup (Heinz peanut butter), grapes and a hard boiled egg, there was NOTHING in the store that was organic, whole, real food.  Thankfully I had one of my delicious home-made granola bars and a baggie of organic almonds and dried cranberries with me.  The best to "good" for me that I could get was an Odwalla Superfood Green Machine drink.  (If you haven't had one, the thing is delicious, it is green, but it has spinach, broccoli, wheat grass, barley grass, and then all sorts of fruit in it.  A great drink with actual nutritional value in it if you have to have something!)  The overall experience was nothing short of disappointing. 

Believe me those Tastykake chocolate covered donuts were talking to me as I was attempting to decide what healthy food to get, but I resisted.  I couldn't even bring myself to get a veggie sub or anything.  I mean just knowing what goes into all of that food.  It's gross.  Plus I don't want to kill myself slowly anymore.  The hive this past weekend was more than enough proof for me to know that the substances that are in our food are toxic.  I did let my car mates try my granola bar.  They were surprised how good it tasted to be healthy and organic.  So my conclusion is that convenience stores, much like the rest of America, are encouraged by the food industry to trap us the second we walk in the door.  It's sad really.  Hopefully as more Americans wake up to the damage that this food causes, we'll see a change in the fare that is offered to us at the road-side oasis stops through this country.

I'll get off of my soapbox today and get back to recovering from the show last night.  I was going to hit up Southside for Zumba tonight, but I may keep it closer to home and go to Swift Creek depending on how long food shopping and cooking takes today!  Hope every one has a wonderful day!


  1. Hello, recipe for the granola bar, please! Thank you!

  2. Yes, I agree with J, may we pretty please have your yummy granola bar recipe?? I saw someone making them on the Food Network one day & I was like, wow I wish I could do that..
